Financial education and investment

Beware of ineffective economic theories

Beware of ineffective economic theories

As you know, the economy plays an important role in the pyramid of human skills; but if economists were to predict everything correctly, we should not have seen many economic crises. In addition, if economists had the ability to prevent and treat, these crises would not have lasted for like 11 years! They should have been resolved faster.

Investing in yourself and social relationships is essentially an investment in your professional position. For example: strengthening skills, updating marketing and new specialized learning are among the best and most guaranteed successful and efficient theories of entrepreneurs.

Now, ineffective economic theories can lead to poor cash flow management, loss of financial control, chaotic planning, lack of strategy in the market and business, and weak leadership; You should always watch out for them, because you, as a business owner, will be constantly and in different ways exposed to these wrong and sometimes deadly economic theories throughout the day; Either through individuals, through the media or the thoughts of the general public.

Remember that the economist, like the entrepreneur, has good and bad examples; and not all economic theories are supposed to be effective. I will warn you clearly and repeatedly that you should always be careful of ineffective economic theory that paralyzes you; the same theories also make you do nothing and live in silence.

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