Business Coaching

Business services

To be seen better, we need to be different, one way to differentiate businesses is to provide services. Instead of focusing on product production and price pressure, we can make our business human-centered.

Example of Business Services

Example: Many of you think that Japan will be destroyed without its industries, but in reality, 30% of Japan’s economy is industry and agriculture, and the remaining 70% is services. So that if the industry of this country is destroyed, its economy will not be seriously damaged. Because Japan’s strength and focus is on services.

The prevailing perception is that Sony only works in multimedia, but this is not true. Sony has one of the largest business educational institutions and entertainment institutes in the world.

Ever wonder why Starbucks launches a door-to-door coffee service? Whereas before it was considered a fast and intermediate coffee.

Take NIKE, for example. In addition to producing sports equipment, NIKE has also invested in other items, such as Applications, educational videos, expert tips, holding various events for Nike fans, setting up fitness centers, and several other different services.

The important thing is that the consumer is the first in the chain, not the product. So what the customer does not want is neither made nor sold. In the past, cash was stored in huge warehouses, but in the new economic model, Money is used to meet the needs of customers at a higher level. With that in mind, are you still looking to establish yourself? Or decided to focus on services?

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