Business Coaching

Dell’s experience in customizing trends

Dell company

One of the technology and hardware companies that were able to change the laptop and mobile computer market forever is Dell. This company, which currently has the largest cloud storage space in the world, has used personalization trends for success.

To do this, dell took two creative steps:

  • The company announced to its customers that they can order any laptop that suits their work so that the same model will be delivered to them, in such a way that the company does not produce a specific model for a group of people; rather, each person can have his own laptop with any taste and needs.
  • In the next step, dell changed its sales processes, and used its own personalization model; For example, the company announced that if other companies want to sell their products through various intermediaries and stores, our company will sell directly to customers.

By doing these two important actions, dell was able to completely change the business trends of laptops and computers; and these factors caused the company to experience strong exponential growth.

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