Financial education and investment

Intangible assets the key to exponential growth

داراییهای غیرفیزیکی کلید رشد تصاعدی

With the surveys conducted in large companies, it has been determined that it is better for businesses to focus sufficiently on their non-physical assets; So that they can properly resist crises and finally experience exponential growth. One of the most important examples is branding.

Branding is a concept that makes your product or service stand out from other products and services; to be able to communicate with it more easily. The main focus of branding is on the features and personality of your product and service.

The next thing is investing and being influential on yourself, your product, and your relationships; How far you can expand your unique business relationships is much more important and key than the number of your properties! A person who only creates physical and tangible assets in the old way, cannot imagine the future of his business and its vulnerability to multiple crises!

Instead of buying more property and cars, he could create several infrastructures behind the curtain of his business; Such as powerful distribution and broadcasting, real branding, personal development, and acquisition of new entrepreneurial skills. And of course, I promise you that you cannot experience exponential growth without having things like this.

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