After World War II until the year 1960, due to product shortages, the supply age was named the next decade was marked by the production of companies, which became known as the period of rapid production and economics, the next step was the age of sales, and finally, from 1975 to 1981 due to high demand, It became known as the Marketing Age or the Age of Differentiation.
One of the companies that distinguished itself globally was Toyota, the company was able to create the Lexus brand by changing the ordinary image to luxury. Which is 2000 managed to be the number one position in terms of sales.
The philosophy of marketing is to make a difference so that we can have our own unique ideas based on the Lexus experience. In the first step, Toyota tried to do with the initial pricing, enter the US market at a lower price. It means a car on the level of Mercedes-Benz but with a lower price. The next distinction was the 5-year warranty and installment terms of Toyota products. This is the first time this has happened among luxury cars such as Benz, BMW, and Cadillac.
The next point was the low after-sales service like Lexus, until one of the customers, due to complete satisfaction with the company’s services, named his newborn baby Lexus! It is interesting to know that Lexus has been operating since 1991 for 10 years, The number one after-sales service in the United States.
The fourth distinction was the excellent attitude of the sales representative so that customers felt invited to the party! And no sales system was felt. There are other points, such as reducing energy consumption. Selecting self-made rich people over the age of 47 as the target market, and choose the bold target of a share of 20,000 sales out of 50,000 annual sales in the United States.
These are the distinctions of a successful brand. Strategies and techniques are reviewed periodically during booms and busts. But marketing philosophy can last up to thirty years!