Book introduction

Blitzscaling Book

Rooyande foreword about blitzscalling book

The preface of the book

“Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies”

Mr. Warren Buffett, a wise and knowledgeable person in investment affairs, says: “We win in the most important event of life when we are born in the ecosystem of lightning growth.

In a number of countries such as Turkey, Iran, etc., where inflation is not controlled, that is, it is not a single digit; many people, industries, markets, and economies have nominal growth.

Nominal growth means that the numbers in the economy are growing nominally due to inflation and rising exchange rates. It should be noted that this type of growth is not real growth; because it was not done because of “real actions”.

Classic slow and continuous growth in which the rate of productivity is important, or in growth with an increase in scale where productivity is sacrificed to efficiency, are also included in growth cycles. Or rapid (exponential) growth in which speed sacrifices efficiency and productivity; that you can experience 2 or 3 times growth.

And finally, there is rapid growth, which refers to the staggering growth of 20 times, 30 times, and 50 times like Amazon! This growth model started in “Silicon Valley” and then spread to China and all parts of the world.

In this book, we get to know the concept of rapid growth as a mindset, thinking, strategy, and one of the stages of the life cycle of growth. To understand this issue, we must first all know where we grow (company, market, and economy.

The path of real growth is the path that all living beings in the world take; When you look at a tree, you realize that the roots of the tree are rooted as deep as they can; and on the ground, you get as high as you can. This means you have to grow as much as possible.

It is very important to know that you have not strayed from your principles and that you are on the right path. Now that you are familiar with the life cycle of growth, you should know that the concept of rapid growth was formed from World War II onwards, and later, rapid lessons, rapid marketing, rapid defense, rapid advertising, etc. were formed.

The concept of rapid growth

Lightning growth is a secret weapon that redefines many markets and industries; exactly according to Moore’s law, which says: “With every tick of the clock, new technologies are created” that are drivers of rapid innovation. Rapid growth requires a suitable infrastructure that can cover errors in the face of uncertainty and high risks.

At this stage of growth, you must abandon normal, old, and outdated rules; because with huge growth, the key rules also change. Now, the market is ready for your significant growth, in which the principle of product-market fit is also observed. Don’t forget that in the growth life cycle, if the growth spurt is premature, it can cause a painful and rapid failure, which is dangerous for both you and others.

I hope that the lessons of this book will be a good guide for the personal, commercial, and economic growth of our country; in a way that others can benefit from our growth.

Stay motivated

Saeed Royande

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